在 MLIR 編譯器基礎架構中表示和參考降低 ONNX 模型
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Onnx-mlir 具有執行階段工具,可以在 Python 中編譯和執行 ONNX 模型。這些工具由 OnnxMlirCompiler
編譯器介面 (include/OnnxMlirCompiler.h) 和 ExecutionSession
類別 (src/Runtime/ExecutionSession.hpp) 實作。這兩種工具都有一個由 pybind 函式庫 產生的相關 Python 綁定。
使用 pybind,Python 直譯器可以直接匯入 C/C++ 二進位檔。對於 onnx-mlir,有五個這樣的函式庫,一個用於編譯 onnx-mlir 模型,兩個用於執行模型,另外兩個用於編譯和執行模型。
(src/Compiler/PyOMCompileSession.hpp) 產生,並建置為共享函式庫至 build/Debug/lib/PyCompile.cpython-<target>.so
(src/Runtime/PyExecutionSession.hpp) 產生,並建置為共享函式庫至 build/Debug/lib/PyRuntimeC.cpython-<target>.so
(src/Runtime/PyOMCompileExecutionSession.hpp) 產生,並建置為共享函式庫至 build/Debug/lib/PyCompileAndRuntimeC.cpython-<target>.so
。只要模組在您的 PYTHONPATH 中,Python 直譯器就可以正常匯入它。另一個替代方案是在您的工作目錄中建立它的符號連結。
cd <working directory>
ln -s <path to the shared library to copmpile onnx-mlir models>(e.g. `build/Debug/lib/PyCompile.cpython-<target>.so`) .
ln -s <path to the shared library to run onnx-mlir models>(e.g. `build/Debug/lib/PyRuntimeC.cpython-<target>.so`) .
ln -s <path to the Python library to run onnx-mlir models>(e.g. src/Runtime/python/PyRuntime.py) .
ln -s <path to the shared library to compile and run onnx-mlir models>(e.g. `build/Debug/lib/PyCompileAndRuntimeC.cpython-<target>.so`) .
ln -s <path to the Python library to compile and run onnx-mlir models>(e.g. src/Runtime/python/PyCompileAndRuntime.py) .
ONNX 模型是一個計算圖,通常圖表會有一個單一的進入點來觸發計算。以下範例說明如何對具有單一進入點的模型進行推論。
import numpy as np
from PyRuntime import OMExecutionSession
model = 'model.so' # LeNet from ONNX Zoo compiled with onnx-mlir
# Create a session for this model.
session = OMExecutionSession(shared_lib_path=model)
# Input and output signatures of the default entry point.
print("input signature in json", session.input_signature())
print("output signature in json",session.output_signature())
# Do inference using the default entry point.
a = np.full((1, 1, 28, 28), 1, np.dtype(np.float32))
outputs = session.run(input=[a])
for output in outputs:
import numpy as np
from PyRuntime import OMExecutionSession
model = 'multi-entry-points-model.so'
# Create a session for this model.
session = OMExecutionSession(shared_lib_path=model, use_default_entry_point=False) # False to manually set an entry point.
# Query entry points in the model.
entry_points = session.entry_points()
for entry_point in entry_points:
# Set the entry point to do inference.
# Input and output signatures of the current entry point.
print("input signature in json", session.input_signature())
print("output signature in json",session.output_signature())
# Do inference using the current entry point.
a = np.arange(10).astype('float32')
b = np.arange(10).astype('float32')
outputs = session.run(input=[a, b])
for output in outputs:
如果模型是使用 --tag
編譯的,則必須將 --tag
的值傳遞給 OMExecutionSession。當同一個 Python 腳本中有針對多個模型的多個工作階段時,使用標籤會很有用。以下範例說明如何使用標籤進行多次推論。
import numpy as np
from PyRuntime import OMExecutionSession
encoder_model = 'encoder/model.so' # Assumed that the model was compiled using `--tag=encoder`
decoder_model = 'decoder/model.so' # Assumed that the model was compiled using `--tag=decoder`
# Create a session for the encoder model.
encoder_sess = OMExecutionSession(shared_lib_path=encoder_model, tag="encoder")
# Create a session for the decoder model.
decoder_sess = OMExecutionSession(shared_lib_path=decoder_model, tag="decoder")
如果兩個模型未使用 --tag
編譯,則如果它們要在同一個程序中使用,則必須使用不同的 .so 檔名編譯。事實上,當未指定任何標籤時,我們會使用檔案名稱作為其預設標籤。以下範例說明如何在不使用標籤的情況下進行多次推論。
import numpy as np
from PyRuntime import OMExecutionSession
encoder_model = 'my_encoder.so'
decoder_model = 'my_decoder.so'
# Create a session for the encoder model.
encoder_sess = OMExecutionSession(shared_lib_path=encoder_model) # tag will be `my_encoder` by default.
# Create a session for the decoder model.
decoder_sess = OMExecutionSession(shared_lib_path=decoder_model) # tag will be `my_decoder` by default.
若要使用不含標籤的函式 (例如 run_main_graph
),請設定 tag = "NONE"
可以在先前提及的來源中看到 OMExecutionSession
def __init__(self, shared_lib_path: str, tag: str, use_default_entry_point: bool):
shared_lib_path: relative or absolute path to your .so model.
tag: a string that was passed to `--tag` when compiling the .so model. By default, it is the output file name without its extension, namely, `filename` in `filename.so`
use_default_entry_point: use the default entry point that is `run_main_graph_{tag}` or not. Set to True by default.
def run(self, input: List[ndarray]) -> List[ndarray]:
input: A list of NumPy arrays, the inputs of your model.
A list of NumPy arrays, the outputs of your model.
def input_signature(self) -> str:
A string containing a JSON representation of the model's input signature.
def output_signature(self) -> str:
A string containing a JSON representation of the model's output signature.
def entry_points(self) -> List[str]:
A list of entry point names.
def set_entry_point(self, name: str):
name: an entry point name.
可以直接從命令列編譯 ONNX 模型。然後可以使用 Python 執行產生的函式庫,如先前章節所示。有時,直接在 Python 中編譯模型可能也很方便。本節將探討執行此操作的 Python 方法。
OMCompileSession 物件在建構時會採用檔案名稱。對於編譯,compile()
將接收 flags
字串作為輸入,這將覆寫從 env var 設定的任何預設選項。
import numpy as np
from PyCompile import OMCompileSession
# Load onnx model and create OMCompileSession object.
file = './mnist.onnx'
compiler = OMCompileSession(file)
# Generate the library file. Success when rc == 0 while set the opt as "-O3"
rc = compiler.compile("-O3")
# Get the output file name
model = compiler.get_compiled_file_name()
if rc:
print("Failed to compile with error code", rc)
print("Compiled onnx file", file, "to", model, "with rc", rc)
模組匯出 OMCompileSession
類別,以驅動將 ONNX 模型編譯為可執行模型。通常,會藉由給定 ONNX 模型的檔案名稱,針對給定的模型建立編譯器物件。然後,可以將所有編譯器選項設定為整個 std::string
來產生所需的可執行檔。最後,藉由呼叫 compile()
命令 (使用者將選項字串作為此函式的輸入) 來執行編譯本身。
命令會傳回反映編譯狀態的回傳碼。零值表示成功,非零值表示錯誤碼。由於不同的作業系統可能會具有不同的函式庫後綴,因此可以使用 get_compiled_file_name()
可以在先前提及的來源中看到 OnnxMlirCompiler 的完整介面。不過,使用建構函式和下列方法就足以編譯模型。
def __init__(self, file_name: str):
Constructor for an ONNX model contained in a file.
file_name: relative or absolute path to your ONNX model.
def __init__(self, input_buffer: void *, buffer_size: int):
Constructor for an ONNX model contained in an input buffer.
input_buffer: buffer containing the protobuf representation of the model.
buffer_size: byte size of the input buffer.
def compile(self, flags: str):
Method to compile a model from a file.
flags: all the options users would like to set.
Zero on success, error code on failure.
def compile_from_array(self, output_base_name: str, target: OnnxMlirTarget):
Method to compile a model from an array.
output_base_name: base name (relative or absolute, without suffix)
where the compiled model should be written into.
target: target for the compiler's output. Typical values are
OnnxMlirTarget.emit_lib or emit_jni.
Zero on success, error code on failure.
def get_compiled_file_name(self):
Method to provide the full (absolute or relative) output compiled file name, including
its suffix.
String containing the fle name after successful compilation; empty string on failure.
def get_error_message(self):
Method to provide the compilation error message.
String containing the error message; empty string on success.
import numpy as np
from PyCompileAndRuntime import OMCompileExecutionSession
# Load onnx model and create OMCompileExecutionSession object.
inputFileName = './mnist.onnx'
# Set the full name of compiled model
sharedLibPath = './mnist.so'
# Set the compile option as "-O3"
session = OMCompileExecutionSession(inputFileName,sharedLibPath,"-O3")
# Print the models input/output signature, for display.
# Signature functions for info only, commented out if they cause problems.
# Do inference using the default entry point.
a = np.full((1, 1, 28, 28), 1, np.dtype(np.float32))
outputs = session.run(input=[a])
for output in outputs:
PyCompileAndRuntime 是一個新類別,結合了編譯和執行。其建構函式會接收 .onnx
def __init__(self, input_model_path: str, compiled_file_path: str, flags: str, use_default_entry_point: bool):
Constructor for an ONNX model contained in a file.
input_model_path: relative or absolute path to your ONNX model.
compiled_file_path: relative or absolute path to your compiled file.
flags: all the options users would like to set.
use_default_entry_point: use the default entry point that is `run_main_graph` or not. Set to True by default.
def get_compiled_result(self):
Method to provide the results of the compilation.
Int containing the results. 0 represents successful compilation; others on failure.
def get_compiled_file_name(self):
Method to provide the full (absolute or relative) output file name, including
its suffix.
String containing the fle name after successful compilation; empty string on failure.
def get_error_message(self):
Method to provide the compilation error message.
String containing the error message; empty string on success.
def entry_points(self) -> List[str]:
A list of entry point names.
def set_entry_point(self, name: str):
name: an entry point name.
def run(self, input: List[ndarray]) -> List[ndarray]:
input: A list of NumPy arrays, the inputs of your model.
A list of NumPy arrays, the outputs of your model.
def input_signature(self) -> str:
A string containing a JSON representation of the model's input signature.
def output_signature(self) -> str:
A string containing a JSON representation of the model's output signature.